Undergraduate Educator Award
Opens May 17 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)


The Undergraduate Educator Award, sponsored by the SOT Endowment Fund and first presented at the SOT 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting, is presented to an SOT member who is distinguished by outstanding contributions to the teaching of undergraduate students in toxicology and toxicology-related areas and whose efforts support the Society’s strategic efforts to “build for the future of toxicology.”

This award consists of a plaque that is presented at the SOT Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony and a cash stipend.

Criteria for award:

The nominee

  • Has a faculty appointment with primary responsibilities in teaching undergraduates
  • Demonstrates a distinguished undergraduate teaching record
  • Has made significant contributions to undergraduate education in toxicology
  • Is a member of the Society of Toxicology

Items needed in the application:

  • Application letter from nominee (self-nomination) or primary nomination letter from SOT Full member, to include the following:
    • Summary of career teaching responsibilities with specifics for the past three years, including descriptive information such as course assignments, numbers of students enrolled, etc.
    • Evidence of teaching accomplishment (institution, student, or other teaching recognition)
    • Demonstration of participation in the advancement of the SOT educational mission (such as Committee and project involvement)
    • Evidence of scholarship of teaching, such as:
      • Publications, including instructional materials such as textbooks, textbook chapters, lab activities, case studies, etc., and education-related articles in newsletters and journals
      • Presentations related to undergraduate teaching and pedagogy
    • Contributions to regional or national education efforts, including attendance at, presentations for, and/or leadership of institutional, community, and professional meetings and workshops
    • Student outcomes, such as evidence of impact on students and career path (for example, number of students who have completed graduate school, presented abstracts, published papers, attended regional or national professional meetings)
  • Letter of support from Full member of the Society
    • Provide documentation of undergraduate teaching and training accomplished by the nominee
    • Analyze the significant contributions made by the nominee to undergraduate toxicology education
  • Letter of support from campus administrative official
    • Provide documentation of undergraduate teaching and training accomplished by the nominee
    • Analyze the significant contributions made by the nominee to undergraduate toxicology education
  • Curriculum vitae of nominee (10 pages maximum)

Review and decision by SOT Awards Committee.

Historical Listing of Award Recipients

Preference will be given to nominees who have not received another SOT Award—defined as those conferred by the SOT Awards Committee, excluding Supported and Student awards—within the last two years. Review the “Historical Archive of SOT Awardees” web page to confirm eligibility.


Undergraduate Educator Award


The Undergraduate Educator Award, sponsored by the SOT Endowment Fund and first presented at the SOT 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting, is presented to an SOT member who is distinguished by outstanding contributions to the teaching of undergraduate students in toxicology and toxicology-related areas and whose efforts support the Society’s strategic efforts to “build for the future of toxicology.”

This award consists of a plaque that is presented at the SOT Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony and a cash stipend.

Criteria for award:

The nominee

  • Has a faculty appointment with primary responsibilities in teaching undergraduates
  • Demonstrates a distinguished undergraduate teaching record
  • Has made significant contributions to undergraduate education in toxicology
  • Is a member of the Society of Toxicology

Items needed in the application:

  • Application letter from nominee (self-nomination) or primary nomination letter from SOT Full member, to include the following:
    • Summary of career teaching responsibilities with specifics for the past three years, including descriptive information such as course assignments, numbers of students enrolled, etc.
    • Evidence of teaching accomplishment (institution, student, or other teaching recognition)
    • Demonstration of participation in the advancement of the SOT educational mission (such as Committee and project involvement)
    • Evidence of scholarship of teaching, such as:
      • Publications, including instructional materials such as textbooks, textbook chapters, lab activities, case studies, etc., and education-related articles in newsletters and journals
      • Presentations related to undergraduate teaching and pedagogy
    • Contributions to regional or national education efforts, including attendance at, presentations for, and/or leadership of institutional, community, and professional meetings and workshops
    • Student outcomes, such as evidence of impact on students and career path (for example, number of students who have completed graduate school, presented abstracts, published papers, attended regional or national professional meetings)
  • Letter of support from Full member of the Society
    • Provide documentation of undergraduate teaching and training accomplished by the nominee
    • Analyze the significant contributions made by the nominee to undergraduate toxicology education
  • Letter of support from campus administrative official
    • Provide documentation of undergraduate teaching and training accomplished by the nominee
    • Analyze the significant contributions made by the nominee to undergraduate toxicology education
  • Curriculum vitae of nominee (10 pages maximum)

Review and decision by SOT Awards Committee.

Historical Listing of Award Recipients

Preference will be given to nominees who have not received another SOT Award—defined as those conferred by the SOT Awards Committee, excluding Supported and Student awards—within the last two years. Review the “Historical Archive of SOT Awardees” web page to confirm eligibility.

May 17 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)

SOT Awards
SOT Endowment Awards