Supplemental Training for Education Program (STEP)
Opens Aug 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Sep 15 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)


The SOT recognizes that supplemental training experiences facilitate the successful entry of graduate students into the modern toxicology workforce. The Supplemental Training for Education Program (STEP) provides funding up to $1,000 to cover costs associated with additional training related to toxicology that addresses the student’s identified skill gap. Closing the skill gap will enhance the student’s career opportunities. Applicants will identify professional development workshops, short courses, or events that would help with this unmet need (see SOT website for suggestions and previously funded experiences). This supplemental training must be outside the available resources of the applicant’s graduate training and research program and be related to career goals. STEP funding should not be requested to refine a dissertation project-related technique, to attend a professional society or scientific conference, or to supplement an internship. The toxicology skill gap desired to be fulfilled via STEP may be related to the student’s field of study, but it must be a training opportunity or activity that cannot be met by their graduate program and is not primarily intended to contribute to the completion of the student's thesis project. 

Three awards of up to $1,000 per recipient may be given at each deadline. The deadlines to apply are April 15 and September 15.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must

  1. Be enrolled in a PhD program in toxicology or related field at the time of application and have a) completed at least four semesters or six quarters in the program and b) successfully passed the comprehensive examination (or equivalent) to reach PhD candidacy.
  2. Be a SOT graduate student member at the time of application and a SOT student or postdoctoral member at the time of the experience (note that members may retain student member status for twelve months after completing their PhD).
  3. Designate an activity that begins no sooner than six weeks following the application deadline.
  4. Complete the experience no later than a year after the deadline for which the application was submitted.

Award Criteria

Awardees will be selected based on

  • Alignment of the proposed activity with STEP goals.
  • Scope and relevance of the proposed professional activity to career goals in the field of toxicology.
  • Value of the proposed experience to support the student’s career goals. 
  • Applicant academic achievement in both coursework and research pursuits.
  • Strength of recommendation from their graduate mentor. 
  • Demonstrated financial support to complete the activity if costs exceed $1,000.

Application Requirements

  1. Applicant will submit the completed application including
    • Personal statement that briefly summarizes their research projects, career goals, and how the STEP activity adds value to their career pursuits. 
    • Budget and budget justification.
    • Evidence of commitment of institutional, personal, or other funds to cover costs exceeding $1,000. If the experience is expected to occur after completion of the PhD, address whether the funds to cover excess costs would still be available.
    • A CV not to exceed five pages.
    • An uploaded copy of graduate transcripts (unofficial).
  2. The applicant’s PhD advisor must complete a recommendation form in SOT Apply indicating
    • Approval of the applicant’s participation in the defined professional development activity. 
    • The date the applicant passed the comprehensive/qualifying exam and anticipated defense date. 
    • The relevance and value of the activity to the applicant’s career goals. 
    • Why the proposed activity is beyond the scope of the training needed to complete their graduate research project. 
    • Why this activity cannot be met by the trainee’s graduate program.
    • The availability of funds proposed to cover costs in excess of $1,000 (e.g., institutional commitment), if applicable. 
  3. A letter of support from the host/organizer of the supplemental training experience describing the availability and details (e.g., content, duration, cost, etc.) of the training. This letter is not needed if the experience is organized by an established organization and detailed information is available online describing the experience (i.e., a formal course/program that has open admission/enrollment or an experience that has a dedicated webpage describing the training experience).
  4. The recipient will provide feedback on the value of the experience to SOT in the form of a blog for the SOT website.

Supplemental Training for Education Program (STEP)


The SOT recognizes that supplemental training experiences facilitate the successful entry of graduate students into the modern toxicology workforce. The Supplemental Training for Education Program (STEP) provides funding up to $1,000 to cover costs associated with additional training related to toxicology that addresses the student’s identified skill gap. Closing the skill gap will enhance the student’s career opportunities. Applicants will identify professional development workshops, short courses, or events that would help with this unmet need (see SOT website for suggestions and previously funded experiences). This supplemental training must be outside the available resources of the applicant’s graduate training and research program and be related to career goals. STEP funding should not be requested to refine a dissertation project-related technique, to attend a professional society or scientific conference, or to supplement an internship. The toxicology skill gap desired to be fulfilled via STEP may be related to the student’s field of study, but it must be a training opportunity or activity that cannot be met by their graduate program and is not primarily intended to contribute to the completion of the student's thesis project. 

Three awards of up to $1,000 per recipient may be given at each deadline. The deadlines to apply are April 15 and September 15.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must

  1. Be enrolled in a PhD program in toxicology or related field at the time of application and have a) completed at least four semesters or six quarters in the program and b) successfully passed the comprehensive examination (or equivalent) to reach PhD candidacy.
  2. Be a SOT graduate student member at the time of application and a SOT student or postdoctoral member at the time of the experience (note that members may retain student member status for twelve months after completing their PhD).
  3. Designate an activity that begins no sooner than six weeks following the application deadline.
  4. Complete the experience no later than a year after the deadline for which the application was submitted.

Award Criteria

Awardees will be selected based on

  • Alignment of the proposed activity with STEP goals.
  • Scope and relevance of the proposed professional activity to career goals in the field of toxicology.
  • Value of the proposed experience to support the student’s career goals. 
  • Applicant academic achievement in both coursework and research pursuits.
  • Strength of recommendation from their graduate mentor. 
  • Demonstrated financial support to complete the activity if costs exceed $1,000.

Application Requirements

  1. Applicant will submit the completed application including
    • Personal statement that briefly summarizes their research projects, career goals, and how the STEP activity adds value to their career pursuits. 
    • Budget and budget justification.
    • Evidence of commitment of institutional, personal, or other funds to cover costs exceeding $1,000. If the experience is expected to occur after completion of the PhD, address whether the funds to cover excess costs would still be available.
    • A CV not to exceed five pages.
    • An uploaded copy of graduate transcripts (unofficial).
  2. The applicant’s PhD advisor must complete a recommendation form in SOT Apply indicating
    • Approval of the applicant’s participation in the defined professional development activity. 
    • The date the applicant passed the comprehensive/qualifying exam and anticipated defense date. 
    • The relevance and value of the activity to the applicant’s career goals. 
    • Why the proposed activity is beyond the scope of the training needed to complete their graduate research project. 
    • Why this activity cannot be met by the trainee’s graduate program.
    • The availability of funds proposed to cover costs in excess of $1,000 (e.g., institutional commitment), if applicable. 
  3. A letter of support from the host/organizer of the supplemental training experience describing the availability and details (e.g., content, duration, cost, etc.) of the training. This letter is not needed if the experience is organized by an established organization and detailed information is available online describing the experience (i.e., a formal course/program that has open admission/enrollment or an experience that has a dedicated webpage describing the training experience).
  4. The recipient will provide feedback on the value of the experience to SOT in the form of a blog for the SOT website.
Aug 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Sep 15 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)

SOT Awards
Graduate Students