The purpose of this award is to support presentation of a poster at the Fall Meeting of the SCC SOT by undergraduate researchers with an interest in a future career in toxicology who are being trained at institutes of higher learning in the SCC region. Amount of the award: A minimum of $150 per student will be available to reimburse the student for qualified expenses (to be applied towards travel, lodging and poster preparation). Students must submit receipts to the Treasurer in order to be reimbursed. The students are also eligible to apply for the outstanding undergraduate poster presentation award.
Undergraduate students of high academic achievement from institutes of higher learning in the SCC region (AR, LA, MS, OK and western TN) with toxicology-oriented research.
Questions? E-mail Dr. Md Ekhtear Hossain
SCCSOT Award for Undergraduate Participation
The purpose of this award is to support presentation of a poster at the Fall Meeting of the SCC SOT by undergraduate researchers with an interest in a future career in toxicology who are being trained at institutes of higher learning in the SCC region. Amount of the award: A minimum of $150 per student will be available to reimburse the student for qualified expenses (to be applied towards travel, lodging and poster preparation). Students must submit receipts to the Treasurer in order to be reimbursed. The students are also eligible to apply for the outstanding undergraduate poster presentation award.
Undergraduate students of high academic achievement from institutes of higher learning in the SCC region (AR, LA, MS, OK and western TN) with toxicology-oriented research.
Questions? E-mail Dr. Md Ekhtear Hossain