OTA Graduate Student Achievement Award
Opens Aug 14 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Jan 3 2025 11:59 PM (EST)


This award is given to a graduate student member who has demonstrated outstanding scientific achievement in the field of toxicology and who has also demonstrated leadership and service. Applicants for the award are not precluded from applying for travel support or other SOT Awards outside of OTA. Membership is OTA is not required to apply for this award, but OTA members may be prioritized.

Requirements for Applicants:

  • Student member of SOT at application deadline
  • A submitted abstract for the 2025 SOT Annual Meeting

Required Application Components:

  1. 1-page cover letter written by the applicant highlighting their academic career and contributions to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in toxicology and summarizing their scientific achievement and contributions to the field of toxicology. The cover letter can include examples of leadership, service, achievement, community, or challenges tackled throughout their academic career that align with OTA's mission. (written text not to exceed 1 page with 12 pt. Times New Roman).
  2. Extended abstract of the submitted presentation for the annual meeting (must include tables and/or figures; written text not to exceed 2 pages with 12 pt. Times New Roman).
  3. One letter of recommendation describing the student’s scientific achievement and contributions to the field of toxicology, including descriptions of their leadership and service activities. Letter does not need to be from student’s mentor. 
  4. Curriculum vitae of the applicant that includes specific descriptions of the applicant’s scientific achievements, leadership, and service.

Additional Information:

Finalists may be interviewed by phone prior to selection of the awardee.

The awardee will receive an engraved plaque and monetary award of $500. 

The application must be received by the deadline or the applicant will not be considered for the award.

Graduate students are eligible to receive (1) OTA award during their graduate training period.  

Questions? Email OutToxicologistsAndAllies@gmail.com.


OTA Graduate Student Achievement Award


This award is given to a graduate student member who has demonstrated outstanding scientific achievement in the field of toxicology and who has also demonstrated leadership and service. Applicants for the award are not precluded from applying for travel support or other SOT Awards outside of OTA. Membership is OTA is not required to apply for this award, but OTA members may be prioritized.

Requirements for Applicants:

  • Student member of SOT at application deadline
  • A submitted abstract for the 2025 SOT Annual Meeting

Required Application Components:

  1. 1-page cover letter written by the applicant highlighting their academic career and contributions to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in toxicology and summarizing their scientific achievement and contributions to the field of toxicology. The cover letter can include examples of leadership, service, achievement, community, or challenges tackled throughout their academic career that align with OTA's mission. (written text not to exceed 1 page with 12 pt. Times New Roman).
  2. Extended abstract of the submitted presentation for the annual meeting (must include tables and/or figures; written text not to exceed 2 pages with 12 pt. Times New Roman).
  3. One letter of recommendation describing the student’s scientific achievement and contributions to the field of toxicology, including descriptions of their leadership and service activities. Letter does not need to be from student’s mentor. 
  4. Curriculum vitae of the applicant that includes specific descriptions of the applicant’s scientific achievements, leadership, and service.

Additional Information:

Finalists may be interviewed by phone prior to selection of the awardee.

The awardee will receive an engraved plaque and monetary award of $500. 

The application must be received by the deadline or the applicant will not be considered for the award.

Graduate students are eligible to receive (1) OTA award during their graduate training period.  

Questions? Email OutToxicologistsAndAllies@gmail.com.

Aug 14 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Jan 3 2025 11:59 PM (EST)

Component Groups
Graduate Students