The Michigan Regional Chapter (MI-SOT) will be awarding two oral presentation awards and top poster awards for Best Undergraduate Poster (1-3 awards), Best Graduate Student Poster (1-3 awards), and Best Postdoctoral Poster (1-3 awards) at the Fall 2024 Meeting. These awards will be based on presentations given at the meeting. Winners will receive a cash stipend that can be used to assist with travel to the 2025 National SOT Annual Meeting.
For consideration, please submit an application and upload an abstract via this award listing. You will be selected for an oral or poster presentation based on your selections and availability, and conference organizers will reach out to confirm presentation format. You must register for and present at the MI-SOT Fall Meeting to be eligible for these awards, which will be announced at the completion of the Fall Meeting.
If you would like to be considered for an oral presentation, please ensure you apply and submit your abstract no later than end of day, September 13th. All Abstracts are due in by 12 PM Eastern time on Wednesday, October 2nd.
For abstract submission, please upload your abstract as a Word document and follow SOT guidelines on abstract length:
Your abstract length in total—should be 4,500 characters or less, not including spaces. Please note that your abstract title and the author block (author names, institutions, city, state, country) are included in the 4,500 maximum character count.
Contact: Chris Kassotis
MISOT Student Presentation Award
The Michigan Regional Chapter (MI-SOT) will be awarding two oral presentation awards and top poster awards for Best Undergraduate Poster (1-3 awards), Best Graduate Student Poster (1-3 awards), and Best Postdoctoral Poster (1-3 awards) at the Fall 2024 Meeting. These awards will be based on presentations given at the meeting. Winners will receive a cash stipend that can be used to assist with travel to the 2025 National SOT Annual Meeting.
For consideration, please submit an application and upload an abstract via this award listing. You will be selected for an oral or poster presentation based on your selections and availability, and conference organizers will reach out to confirm presentation format. You must register for and present at the MI-SOT Fall Meeting to be eligible for these awards, which will be announced at the completion of the Fall Meeting.
If you would like to be considered for an oral presentation, please ensure you apply and submit your abstract no later than end of day, September 13th. All Abstracts are due in by 12 PM Eastern time on Wednesday, October 2nd.
For abstract submission, please upload your abstract as a Word document and follow SOT guidelines on abstract length:
Your abstract length in total—should be 4,500 characters or less, not including spaces. Please note that your abstract title and the author block (author names, institutions, city, state, country) are included in the 4,500 maximum character count.
Contact: Chris Kassotis