This award is made possible by the Rekha and Harihara Mehendale Welcome Award Fund for International Graduate Students, an endowment fund established with SOT. The goal of the Mehendale Welcome Award is to financially assist international graduate students newly accepted in a biomedical scientific research program, with preference to those enrolling in a toxicology program, while they are adjusting to a new country (e.g., USA). Immensely inspired by how Rekha and Harihara Mehendale offered "a home away from home" to their students, this award is intended to carry on their legacy, easing the students’ transition, at least partially.
The Education and Experiential Opportunities Committee will determine the number and recipients of awards presented each year. The awardee(s) will be notified by June 30 and the funds made available by August 15. The amount will be no more than $3,000 per award.
Eligibility Criteria
- Only graduate students who will be moving to a different country for their graduate program are eligible to apply for this award.
- Must be accepted and enrolling in a full-time PhD or master's (2-year) graduate program at the time of application for this award.
- Must be a student member of SOT (or have pending application for membership). If not a member yet, you can apply for SOT membership throughout the year via this link.
Application Requirements
Applicant will submit the online application including:
- Letter of acceptance into the program
- A personal letter of intent
- Two letters of recommendation from previous academic mentors (e.g., professors or advisors)
- Transcripts (for non-US students, please provide transcript translated into English and evaluated for equivalency with US education standards)
For any questions, please contact SOT staff.
Mehendale Welcome Award
This award is made possible by the Rekha and Harihara Mehendale Welcome Award Fund for International Graduate Students, an endowment fund established with SOT. The goal of the Mehendale Welcome Award is to financially assist international graduate students newly accepted in a biomedical scientific research program, with preference to those enrolling in a toxicology program, while they are adjusting to a new country (e.g., USA). Immensely inspired by how Rekha and Harihara Mehendale offered "a home away from home" to their students, this award is intended to carry on their legacy, easing the students’ transition, at least partially.
The Education and Experiential Opportunities Committee will determine the number and recipients of awards presented each year. The awardee(s) will be notified by June 30 and the funds made available by August 15. The amount will be no more than $3,000 per award.
Eligibility Criteria
- Only graduate students who will be moving to a different country for their graduate program are eligible to apply for this award.
- Must be accepted and enrolling in a full-time PhD or master's (2-year) graduate program at the time of application for this award.
- Must be a student member of SOT (or have pending application for membership). If not a member yet, you can apply for SOT membership throughout the year via this link.
Application Requirements
Applicant will submit the online application including:
- Letter of acceptance into the program
- A personal letter of intent
- Two letters of recommendation from previous academic mentors (e.g., professors or advisors)
- Transcripts (for non-US students, please provide transcript translated into English and evaluated for equivalency with US education standards)
For any questions, please contact SOT staff.