Graduate Student Travel Support
Opens Jun 7 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)


Travel support for the SOT Annual Meeting is provided to graduate students who are PhD candidates in toxicology at the time of the Annual Meeting for which they are applying for travel support. Applicants must be presenting platform talks or posters at the Annual Meeting and be Student members of SOT or have a membership application pending* as of September 30 of the year before the Annual Meeting at which the platform talk or poster will be presented.

The funding amount for this award and the number of award recipients are determined annually by the SOT Awards Committee.

Criteria for award:

  • Applicants must be PhD candidates in toxicology at the time of the Annual Meeting for which travel support is being requested (i.e., the applicant’s graduation date must occur after the Annual Meeting for which support is being requested)
  • Applicants must be Student members of the Society or have a membership application pending as of September 30 of the preceding year*
  • Applicants must have an abstract submitted and accepted for the meeting. Although the deadline for abstract submission is November 13, the application requires the applicant to include an abstract Control ID, which is generated by the Abstract Submission System. Therefore, applicants for this award must submit an abstract by October 9 to be able to complete the Graduate Student Travel Support application by the award deadline.
  • The funding amount for this award and the number of award recipients are determined annually by the SOT Awards Committee; the priority is to fund those with the longest tenure in graduate school
  • Applicants can receive the funding only once (i.e., the applicant cannot have received Graduate Student Travel Support previously)

Items needed in the application:

  • The electronic application form
  • The abstract that was submitted electronically via the Abstract Submission Site for the upcoming meeting
  • The Control ID number for the submitted abstract
  • A letter of recommendation, submitted electronically, from the research advisor associated with the submitted abstract

* A pending Student member is defined as an applicant who has successfully submitted a Student membership application and has received confirmation of completion from SOT Headquarters by the September 30 application deadline.

Historical Listing of Recipients

Graduate Student Travel Support


Travel support for the SOT Annual Meeting is provided to graduate students who are PhD candidates in toxicology at the time of the Annual Meeting for which they are applying for travel support. Applicants must be presenting platform talks or posters at the Annual Meeting and be Student members of SOT or have a membership application pending* as of September 30 of the year before the Annual Meeting at which the platform talk or poster will be presented.

The funding amount for this award and the number of award recipients are determined annually by the SOT Awards Committee.

Criteria for award:

  • Applicants must be PhD candidates in toxicology at the time of the Annual Meeting for which travel support is being requested (i.e., the applicant’s graduation date must occur after the Annual Meeting for which support is being requested)
  • Applicants must be Student members of the Society or have a membership application pending as of September 30 of the preceding year*
  • Applicants must have an abstract submitted and accepted for the meeting. Although the deadline for abstract submission is November 13, the application requires the applicant to include an abstract Control ID, which is generated by the Abstract Submission System. Therefore, applicants for this award must submit an abstract by October 9 to be able to complete the Graduate Student Travel Support application by the award deadline.
  • The funding amount for this award and the number of award recipients are determined annually by the SOT Awards Committee; the priority is to fund those with the longest tenure in graduate school
  • Applicants can receive the funding only once (i.e., the applicant cannot have received Graduate Student Travel Support previously)

Items needed in the application:

  • The electronic application form
  • The abstract that was submitted electronically via the Abstract Submission Site for the upcoming meeting
  • The Control ID number for the submitted abstract
  • A letter of recommendation, submitted electronically, from the research advisor associated with the submitted abstract

* A pending Student member is defined as an applicant who has successfully submitted a Student membership application and has received confirmation of completion from SOT Headquarters by the September 30 application deadline.

Historical Listing of Recipients

Jun 7 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)

SOT Awards
Graduate Students