Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology Award (GIFT)
Opens Aug 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Dec 1 2024 11:59 PM (EST)


Application Deadlines:Required Pre-application Submission: Due December 1, 2023Full Application Submission: Due February 20, 2024

The SOT recognizes that diverse training experiences facilitate successful entry of graduate students into the modern toxicology workforce. The Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology (GIFT), will enable graduate students to obtain experience not normally included in graduate training. Immersion in internships provides students unique appreciation of the day-to-day activities of toxicologists and paths for success in industry, government, and non-profit organizations. Such opportunities can help students establish their professional network, build confidence in career choices, and ultimately better prepare for transitioning into these sectors upon graduation.

Administered by the Education and Career Development Committee (ECDC), GIFT awards are made to outstanding doctoral students who have identified supplementary areas of professional/scientific development that will advance their career goals in toxicology. Applications require the proposal of an internship outside of the trainee’s academic institution. The ECDC will give priority to students proposing a toxicology-related internship that clearly states the intended internship objectives, research project goals, career development-related activities, and methodologies to be learned by the intern.

Approximately one award of up to $3,000 will be given for Summer 2024 to support travel to the internship site, local housing, and/or stipend (if not provided by the internship host). The level of requested funds should take full advantage of any stipend or funding offered by the internship host and home institute. The SOT funds are to be used to close gaps in available funds to facilitate participation by graduate trainees. All internships should last at least six consecutive weeks between May and August. These must occur during the degree program (for example, cannot be an add-on at the end of a degree program to help a student stay funded), and must be outside the available resources of the applicant’s graduate training or research program. If the deadline for the SOT funding is before acceptance into the internship, the host documentation should state this. Once accepted, the applicant should forward the acceptance notice to the ECDC, who will finalize the SOT award only after confirmation of acceptance into the internship. Awardees will be selected based on academic achievement, relevance of the proposed internship to career goals in the field of toxicology, quality of proposed experience, and recommendation by graduate mentor. If the deadline for the full application is before acceptance into the internship, the application or host letter submitted should state this. Once accepted, the applicant should forward this notice as the ECDC will finalize the SOT award only after confirmation of acceptance into the internship program.

Awardees are required to provide brief follow-up communications on the funded experience, which will highlight their receipt of the award and benefits of the experience to their graduate education and professional advancement.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must:

Be enrolled in a PhD program in toxicology or related field at the time of application and have completed at least 2 semesters or 3 quarters in the program. Note that PhD candidacy is not required.Be a SOT student member (or have an application pending) at the time of application and be a SOT member at the time of the experience.Designate an internship that begins no sooner than two months following the application deadline.Complete the internship no later than a year after the deadline for which the application was submitted.

Application Requirements

Required Pre-application Submission: Due December 1, 2023

Applicants are required to submit a pre-application form by December 1, 2023 to be considered for the GIFT Program. Those selected for full application will be notified by January 2024, with a deadline of February 20, 2024 for the full application.

Full Application Submission: Due February 20, 2024

Individuals with pre-applications approved by the ECDC should ensure the following requirements are met.

Applicant should complete the online application form and notify their PhD advisor. The form should include evidence of commitment of institutional, personal, and/or other funds to cover internship costs of participation in excess of $3,000.The applicant’s PhD Advisor and the graduate program’s Director of Graduate Studies (or similar position), must send a supporting letter(s) directly to SOT indicating approval of the applicant’s participation in the defined internship, any plans needed to release the student from program tuition relevant obligations (e.g., leave of absence for the program if needed), and describing the relevance and value to the applicant’s career goals. Further, if applicable, the letter should confirm the availability of funds (e.g., institutional commitment) proposed to cover costs in excess of $3,000.A letter of support is required from the host/organizer of the internship describing the availability and details of the training. This letter should also specify the learning objectives for the internship experience. This letter is not needed if the internship is organized by an established organization for which specific detailed information is available online and a link to the internship details is included.Documentation from the host of acceptance for this internship. If this is not available at the time of application, it will be required before an award is finalized.The applicant agrees to provide feedback within one month as well as after one year on the value of the experience to the ECDC.

Additional information and links to posted opportunities are found on the GIFT web page.

ECDC Members are available to provide an early review of invited final applications. Contact SOT Headquarters to make such a request.

Endowment Fund
James Bond-Michele Medinsky Graduate Student Development Temporary Fund

Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology Award (GIFT)


Application Deadlines:Required Pre-application Submission: Due December 1, 2023Full Application Submission: Due February 20, 2024

The SOT recognizes that diverse training experiences facilitate successful entry of graduate students into the modern toxicology workforce. The Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology (GIFT), will enable graduate students to obtain experience not normally included in graduate training. Immersion in internships provides students unique appreciation of the day-to-day activities of toxicologists and paths for success in industry, government, and non-profit organizations. Such opportunities can help students establish their professional network, build confidence in career choices, and ultimately better prepare for transitioning into these sectors upon graduation.

Administered by the Education and Career Development Committee (ECDC), GIFT awards are made to outstanding doctoral students who have identified supplementary areas of professional/scientific development that will advance their career goals in toxicology. Applications require the proposal of an internship outside of the trainee’s academic institution. The ECDC will give priority to students proposing a toxicology-related internship that clearly states the intended internship objectives, research project goals, career development-related activities, and methodologies to be learned by the intern.

Approximately one award of up to $3,000 will be given for Summer 2024 to support travel to the internship site, local housing, and/or stipend (if not provided by the internship host). The level of requested funds should take full advantage of any stipend or funding offered by the internship host and home institute. The SOT funds are to be used to close gaps in available funds to facilitate participation by graduate trainees. All internships should last at least six consecutive weeks between May and August. These must occur during the degree program (for example, cannot be an add-on at the end of a degree program to help a student stay funded), and must be outside the available resources of the applicant’s graduate training or research program. If the deadline for the SOT funding is before acceptance into the internship, the host documentation should state this. Once accepted, the applicant should forward the acceptance notice to the ECDC, who will finalize the SOT award only after confirmation of acceptance into the internship. Awardees will be selected based on academic achievement, relevance of the proposed internship to career goals in the field of toxicology, quality of proposed experience, and recommendation by graduate mentor. If the deadline for the full application is before acceptance into the internship, the application or host letter submitted should state this. Once accepted, the applicant should forward this notice as the ECDC will finalize the SOT award only after confirmation of acceptance into the internship program.

Awardees are required to provide brief follow-up communications on the funded experience, which will highlight their receipt of the award and benefits of the experience to their graduate education and professional advancement.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must:

Be enrolled in a PhD program in toxicology or related field at the time of application and have completed at least 2 semesters or 3 quarters in the program. Note that PhD candidacy is not required.Be a SOT student member (or have an application pending) at the time of application and be a SOT member at the time of the experience.Designate an internship that begins no sooner than two months following the application deadline.Complete the internship no later than a year after the deadline for which the application was submitted.

Application Requirements

Required Pre-application Submission: Due December 1, 2023

Applicants are required to submit a pre-application form by December 1, 2023 to be considered for the GIFT Program. Those selected for full application will be notified by January 2024, with a deadline of February 20, 2024 for the full application.

Full Application Submission: Due February 20, 2024

Individuals with pre-applications approved by the ECDC should ensure the following requirements are met.

Applicant should complete the online application form and notify their PhD advisor. The form should include evidence of commitment of institutional, personal, and/or other funds to cover internship costs of participation in excess of $3,000.The applicant’s PhD Advisor and the graduate program’s Director of Graduate Studies (or similar position), must send a supporting letter(s) directly to SOT indicating approval of the applicant’s participation in the defined internship, any plans needed to release the student from program tuition relevant obligations (e.g., leave of absence for the program if needed), and describing the relevance and value to the applicant’s career goals. Further, if applicable, the letter should confirm the availability of funds (e.g., institutional commitment) proposed to cover costs in excess of $3,000.A letter of support is required from the host/organizer of the internship describing the availability and details of the training. This letter should also specify the learning objectives for the internship experience. This letter is not needed if the internship is organized by an established organization for which specific detailed information is available online and a link to the internship details is included.Documentation from the host of acceptance for this internship. If this is not available at the time of application, it will be required before an award is finalized.The applicant agrees to provide feedback within one month as well as after one year on the value of the experience to the ECDC.

Additional information and links to posted opportunities are found on the GIFT web page.

ECDC Members are available to provide an early review of invited final applications. Contact SOT Headquarters to make such a request.

Aug 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Dec 1 2024 11:59 PM (EST)

SOT Awards
SOT Endowment Awards
Graduate Students
Endowment Fund
James Bond-Michele Medinsky Graduate Student Development Temporary Fund