Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award
Opens May 17 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)


The Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award is presented to a member of SOT who has made substantial and seminal scientific contributions to our understanding of the science of toxicology. Nominees should be active scientists involved in toxicological research. The prime consideration for this award is scientific accomplishment.

The award consists of a plaque that is presented at the SOT Awards Ceremony during the Annual Meeting, a cash stipend, and an invitation to deliver the Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award Lecture at the Annual Meeting at which the award is given.

Criteria for award:

  • Must be a member of the Society
  • Active scientist involved in toxicological research
  • Substantial and seminal scientific contributions to the understanding of toxicology

Items needed in the application:

  • Letter of nomination from Full member of the Society
  • Curriculum vitae of nominee (10 pages maximum)
  • Seconding letter from Full member of the Society
    • Both letters should provide specific examples and documentation of the scientific contributions of the nominee; a publication list is not sufficient without analysis.

Historical Listing of Award Recipients

Preference will be given to nominees who have not received another SOT Award—defined as those conferred by the SOT Awards Committee, excluding Supported and Student awards—within the last two years. Review the “Historical Archive of SOT Awardees” web page to confirm eligibility.


Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award


The Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award is presented to a member of SOT who has made substantial and seminal scientific contributions to our understanding of the science of toxicology. Nominees should be active scientists involved in toxicological research. The prime consideration for this award is scientific accomplishment.

The award consists of a plaque that is presented at the SOT Awards Ceremony during the Annual Meeting, a cash stipend, and an invitation to deliver the Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award Lecture at the Annual Meeting at which the award is given.

Criteria for award:

  • Must be a member of the Society
  • Active scientist involved in toxicological research
  • Substantial and seminal scientific contributions to the understanding of toxicology

Items needed in the application:

  • Letter of nomination from Full member of the Society
  • Curriculum vitae of nominee (10 pages maximum)
  • Seconding letter from Full member of the Society
    • Both letters should provide specific examples and documentation of the scientific contributions of the nominee; a publication list is not sufficient without analysis.

Historical Listing of Award Recipients

Preference will be given to nominees who have not received another SOT Award—defined as those conferred by the SOT Awards Committee, excluding Supported and Student awards—within the last two years. Review the “Historical Archive of SOT Awardees” web page to confirm eligibility.

May 17 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)

SOT Awards
All Scientists