CTPVSS Outstanding Early Career Scientist
Opens Aug 14 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Dec 30 2024 11:59 PM (EST)
CTPVSS Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award will be given each year or at the discretion of the CTPVSS executive committee to an outstanding CTPVSS member. The award includes a plaque and/or a certificate of recognition.
Award Eligibility Criteria
- This award is open for CTPVSS members. Applicants can become members of CTPVSS at the time of application if they are not members.
- Nominee must have less than 10 years of experience since obtaining their highest degree (DVM or equivalent/PhD/MD/DDS) at the time of application.
- The nominee should be actively involved in toxicology research (veterinary toxicology, in vivo toxicology, comparative pathology, toxico-pathology, and other relevant topics that fit within the scope and mission of CTPVSS) at the time of applying for this award.
- Scientists affiliated with Academia/Industry/Government/ consultancy or any other organization that’s involved in Toxicology research are eligible to apply.
Submission Requirements
- Nominations by peers and/or self-nominations are accepted.
- The nomination letter (by self or peer) should explain the contribution of the applicant to the field of toxicology and highlight the nominee’s leadership roles in professional organizations and contributions to CTPVSS/SOT.
- A recommendation letter (in case of self-nominations) highlighting nominee’s achievements (including scientific research, leadership roles, and contributions to CTPVSS/SOT) should be submitted along with the application.
- A comprehensive CV.
Questions? Email Dr. Sunish Mohanan
CTPVSS Outstanding Early Career Scientist
CTPVSS Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award will be given each year or at the discretion of the CTPVSS executive committee to an outstanding CTPVSS member. The award includes a plaque and/or a certificate of recognition.
Award Eligibility Criteria
- This award is open for CTPVSS members. Applicants can become members of CTPVSS at the time of application if they are not members.
- Nominee must have less than 10 years of experience since obtaining their highest degree (DVM or equivalent/PhD/MD/DDS) at the time of application.
- The nominee should be actively involved in toxicology research (veterinary toxicology, in vivo toxicology, comparative pathology, toxico-pathology, and other relevant topics that fit within the scope and mission of CTPVSS) at the time of applying for this award.
- Scientists affiliated with Academia/Industry/Government/ consultancy or any other organization that’s involved in Toxicology research are eligible to apply.
Submission Requirements
- Nominations by peers and/or self-nominations are accepted.
- The nomination letter (by self or peer) should explain the contribution of the applicant to the field of toxicology and highlight the nominee’s leadership roles in professional organizations and contributions to CTPVSS/SOT.
- A recommendation letter (in case of self-nominations) highlighting nominee’s achievements (including scientific research, leadership roles, and contributions to CTPVSS/SOT) should be submitted along with the application.
- A comprehensive CV.
Questions? Email Dr. Sunish Mohanan
Aug 14 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Dec 30 2024 11:59 PM (EST)
Component Groups
All Scientists