Bristol Myers Squibb Graduate Student Research Training Award to Promote Diversity in Toxicology
Opens May 17 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)


The purpose of the Bristol Myers Squibb Award for Graduate Student Research in Toxicology is to supplement the resources available to academic laboratories hosting and supporting Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic American, or Indigenous American graduate students to conduct their research and training. At Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), our diversity and inclusion strategy is part of our company strategy and a critical enabler of innovation and business performance. Therefore, we are dedicated to increasing the diversity of scientists in toxicology to include a broader set of experiences and perspectives so that we can better understand the needs of the patients and communities we serve. For this reason, BMS is providing a unique mentoring opportunity for graduate student awardees. Mentoring is expected to prepare them to be successful and competitive candidates for research roles in toxicology and to support the faculty conducting research in toxicology in their role of training the next generation of toxicologists.

Award details:

The graduate student applicant should be in the final two years of their research program, and the faculty mentor and student may propose to use the funding to supplement the research the student is already conducting or to develop expertise in methodologies relevant to their current research objectives.

The graduate student applicant and mentor will be given the opportunity to partner with nonclinical scientists at BMS to facilitate discussion of the trainee’s research and provide a network for the mentor and their future trainees.

The award will include a budget of up to $10,000 to defray research costs (e.g., reagents equipment, software), travel to scientific meetings, per diem, or related training expenses as outlined by the applicant and approved by BMS. For administrative purposes, the awards will be made to the institution with which each of the award recipients is affiliated.

Criteria for award:

  • Graduate student self-identifies as a Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic American, or Indigenous American and is enrolled in a US-based PhD program with a focus in toxicology
  • Graduate student has completed qualifying exams for candidacy prior to award
  • Graduate student demonstrates a passion for research
  • Graduate student is a US citizen or a permanent resident of the US
  • Faculty mentor and graduate student are pursuing compelling research related to the science of toxicology
  • Faculty mentor and graduate student are members of the Society (or membership is pending at application deadline)
  • Faculty mentor has a track record of hosting graduate students who successfully complete their respective graduate programs.

Items needed in the application:

  • Completed award application document
  • A no more than 2-page, clear and concise description of your dissertation research, divided into the following subsections: (1) objectives, (2) work you have already accomplished, (3) work planned for the future, and (4) relevance of your graduate work to toxicology.
  • Budget for the award funds will be requested (research costs or related training expenses).
  • An electronic file containing your transcript.
  • A letter of support from your research advisor/mentor that attests to your passion for research and provides details on the proposed activity.

Bristol Myers Squibb Graduate Student Research Training Award to Promote Diversity in Toxicology


The purpose of the Bristol Myers Squibb Award for Graduate Student Research in Toxicology is to supplement the resources available to academic laboratories hosting and supporting Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic American, or Indigenous American graduate students to conduct their research and training. At Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), our diversity and inclusion strategy is part of our company strategy and a critical enabler of innovation and business performance. Therefore, we are dedicated to increasing the diversity of scientists in toxicology to include a broader set of experiences and perspectives so that we can better understand the needs of the patients and communities we serve. For this reason, BMS is providing a unique mentoring opportunity for graduate student awardees. Mentoring is expected to prepare them to be successful and competitive candidates for research roles in toxicology and to support the faculty conducting research in toxicology in their role of training the next generation of toxicologists.

Award details:

The graduate student applicant should be in the final two years of their research program, and the faculty mentor and student may propose to use the funding to supplement the research the student is already conducting or to develop expertise in methodologies relevant to their current research objectives.

The graduate student applicant and mentor will be given the opportunity to partner with nonclinical scientists at BMS to facilitate discussion of the trainee’s research and provide a network for the mentor and their future trainees.

The award will include a budget of up to $10,000 to defray research costs (e.g., reagents equipment, software), travel to scientific meetings, per diem, or related training expenses as outlined by the applicant and approved by BMS. For administrative purposes, the awards will be made to the institution with which each of the award recipients is affiliated.

Criteria for award:

  • Graduate student self-identifies as a Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic American, or Indigenous American and is enrolled in a US-based PhD program with a focus in toxicology
  • Graduate student has completed qualifying exams for candidacy prior to award
  • Graduate student demonstrates a passion for research
  • Graduate student is a US citizen or a permanent resident of the US
  • Faculty mentor and graduate student are pursuing compelling research related to the science of toxicology
  • Faculty mentor and graduate student are members of the Society (or membership is pending at application deadline)
  • Faculty mentor has a track record of hosting graduate students who successfully complete their respective graduate programs.

Items needed in the application:

  • Completed award application document
  • A no more than 2-page, clear and concise description of your dissertation research, divided into the following subsections: (1) objectives, (2) work you have already accomplished, (3) work planned for the future, and (4) relevance of your graduate work to toxicology.
  • Budget for the award funds will be requested (research costs or related training expenses).
  • An electronic file containing your transcript.
  • A letter of support from your research advisor/mentor that attests to your passion for research and provides details on the proposed activity.
May 17 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)
Oct 9 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)

Supported Awards
Graduate Students