A-E SOT Regional Chapter Student Travel Award
Opens Nov 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Jan 31 2025 11:59 PM (EST)


The Allegheny-Erie Regional chapter of the Society of Toxicology invites student members** within the chapter’s geographical region to apply for a Travel Award of $500. This award will be given defray expenses for a student presenting a poster/oral presentation at the upcoming SOT Annual Meeting. This is a competitive award. A copy of the accepted SOT abstract and a letter of support from their mentor must be post-marked no later than January 31 of the year of the meeting in question.

Questions concerning the application should be directed to Mark Olfert. Additionally, information regarding this award will be available on the A-ESOT web site.

The awardee will be notified in February.

**Applicants and mentors must be current members of the AE SOT Regional Chapter or make application at time of abstract submission.**

Non-SOT members may also apply.

Questions? Contact Mark Olfert.

A-E SOT Regional Chapter Student Travel Award


The Allegheny-Erie Regional chapter of the Society of Toxicology invites student members** within the chapter’s geographical region to apply for a Travel Award of $500. This award will be given defray expenses for a student presenting a poster/oral presentation at the upcoming SOT Annual Meeting. This is a competitive award. A copy of the accepted SOT abstract and a letter of support from their mentor must be post-marked no later than January 31 of the year of the meeting in question.

Questions concerning the application should be directed to Mark Olfert. Additionally, information regarding this award will be available on the A-ESOT web site.

The awardee will be notified in February.

**Applicants and mentors must be current members of the AE SOT Regional Chapter or make application at time of abstract submission.**

Non-SOT members may also apply.

Questions? Contact Mark Olfert.



Nov 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Jan 31 2025 11:59 PM (EST)

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